Tag: Natural Language Processing

  • How to build AI Persona Chatbot with OpenAI, Streamlit and Pinecone

    How to build AI Persona Chatbot with OpenAI, Streamlit and Pinecone

    Discover how to build an AI Persona Chatbot using OpenAI, Streamlit, and Pinecone – a tool that simulates personalized, insightful interactions.

  • How to Embed Data into Pinecone using OpenAI and LangChain

    How to Embed Data into Pinecone using OpenAI and LangChain

    In the previous post, “How to transcribe audio files using OpenAI API“, I went through the process of transcribing audio files as a preparation step for creating an AI chatbot that can answer questions based on many podcast episodes. In this post, I will go through the next step of data preparation – embedding vector…

  • How to create a Recruitment chatbot using BotPress: Part 5

    How to create a Recruitment chatbot using BotPress: Part 5

    Part 4 of this tutorial is available here. Thank you node Now when the ‘Final Question’ node is ready we can proceed with ‘Thank you’ node. It has a single function, to display a thank you message. Let’s add a new Standard node near the ‘Final-Question’ node. Let’s call the new node ‘Thank-you’. Then we add…

  • How to create a Recruitment chatbot using BotPress: Part 4

    How to create a Recruitment chatbot using BotPress: Part 4

    Part 3 of this tutorial is available here. Skipping main question We need to go back to “Aks-main-question” node and add the logic which would deal with the case when user skips one of the main questuion (which is equal to skipping the whole topic) by entering “s”. Basically we just need to proceed to…

  • How to create a Recruitment chatbot using BotPress: Part 3

    How to create a Recruitment chatbot using BotPress: Part 3

    Part 2 of this tutorial is available here. We have now 3 nodes. Node 1 “Candidate-Details” collects basic information about a candidate and prepares a set of pre-defined questions. Node 2 “Ask-main-questions” goes through the main questions prepared in node 1. Node 3 acts as a loop block for node 2 and makes sure we…

  • How to create a Recruitment chatbot using BotPress: Part 2

    How to create a Recruitment chatbot using BotPress: Part 2

    Part 1 of this tutorial is available here. Editing the 2nd node In part 1 of this tutorial we created the 1st node “Candidate-Details” which greets a new user, collects its full name, email address, position the user is wishing to apply for as well as user’s experince and capabilities. It stores all the data…

  • How to create a Recruitment chatbot using BotPress: Part 1

    How to create a Recruitment chatbot using BotPress: Part 1

    A template of a recruitment chatbot is available on BotPress website. The aim of this post is to understand how it works. Creating the chatbot I went to BotPress Cloud Studio, in my Workspase I clicked ‘Create chatbot’ button, then I chose ‘Start from Template’ and there I chose ‘Basic (empty)’. When choosing a template…

  • Exploring the Power of Vector Databases: Next-Level Data Processing

    Exploring the Power of Vector Databases: Next-Level Data Processing

    Discover the transformative power of vector databases in the realm of data processing. Uncover how these high-dimensional vectors, rooted in advanced mathematical principles, redefine storage, retrieval, and analysis. Explore their applications in real-time analytics, machine learning integration, and more, reshaping the future of technology.