Tag: Large Language Models

  • How to run AI chat locally

    How to run AI chat locally

    In today’s digital age, local AI chat solutions have emerged as an attractive alternative to cloud-based services like ChatGPT. Running an AI chat application locally offers several advantages, including improved privacy and security, cost efficiency, and the ability to use powerful models on personal computers. With advancements in hardware and optimizations in large language model…

  • Empowering Growth: Harnessing Modular AI For Business Innovation

    Empowering Growth: Harnessing Modular AI For Business Innovation

    Explore the rise of modular AI in ‘Software 3.0’ – a flexible, layered AI approach revolutionizing industries with innovation, agility, and efficiency.

  • How to Embed Data into Pinecone using OpenAI and LangChain

    How to Embed Data into Pinecone using OpenAI and LangChain

    In the previous post, “How to transcribe audio files using OpenAI API“, I went through the process of transcribing audio files as a preparation step for creating an AI chatbot that can answer questions based on many podcast episodes. In this post, I will go through the next step of data preparation – embedding vector…

  • The Ultimate ChatGPT Prompt Hack for Data Scientists

    The Ultimate ChatGPT Prompt Hack for Data Scientists

    In the fast-paced world of machine learning and artificial intelligence, discovering innovative methods to leverage available tools can significantly streamline our tasks and produce improved results. Recently, I chanced upon an episode of the Super Data Science Podcast, hosted by Jon Krohn. In this episode, Jon discusses an invaluable tip from Shaan Khosla, a recognized…