Tag: code

  • How to Create Advanced OpenAI GPTs For Your Website

    How to Create Advanced OpenAI GPTs For Your Website

    Dive into advanced GPT creation for websites! Learn to use OpenAI’s Assistant API for custom chatbots, embedding them seamlessly into your site for enhanced user engagement and functionality.

  • How to build AI Persona Chatbot with OpenAI, Streamlit and Pinecone

    How to build AI Persona Chatbot with OpenAI, Streamlit and Pinecone

    Discover how to build an AI Persona Chatbot using OpenAI, Streamlit, and Pinecone – a tool that simulates personalized, insightful interactions.

  • How to add Custom OpenAI GPTs to Any Website

    How to add Custom OpenAI GPTs to Any Website

    Introduction Welcome to this online tutorial, where we explore the exciting world of integrating custom GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers) into any website. This tutorial is designed for those who have developed GPTs using the Builder and are now ready to implement them in real-world applications, beyond the confines of the ChatGPT site. We will dive…

  • How to create a Cutom OpenAI GPT

    How to create a Cutom OpenAI GPT

    We’re diving deep into the exciting realm of customizing GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers) within OpenAI’s cutting-edge platform. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a business professional, or someone curious about the potential of AI in enhancing business processes, this guide is tailored just for you. The focus is on creating a powerful, customized GPT, specifically designed…

  • How to Embed Data into Pinecone using OpenAI and LangChain

    How to Embed Data into Pinecone using OpenAI and LangChain

    In the previous post, “How to transcribe audio files using OpenAI API“, I went through the process of transcribing audio files as a preparation step for creating an AI chatbot that can answer questions based on many podcast episodes. In this post, I will go through the next step of data preparation – embedding vector…

  • How to transcribe audio files using OpenAI API

    How to transcribe audio files using OpenAI API

    When preparing data for an AI Persona Chatbot or any AI program that draws from pre-recorded audio, you might find yourself needing to transcribe large volumes of audio files. One of the tools available for this task is OpenAI’s “Whisper” Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system. Whisper has been trained on an extensive dataset that’s both…

  • How to build AI Persona Chatbot (Stack AI + BotPress)

    How to build AI Persona Chatbot (Stack AI + BotPress)

    This post was inspired by an YouTube video by Liam Ottley in which he shows how to build an AI Persona Chatbot based on content created by Ali Abdaal. Here I want to repeat the process and play with a few other data sources to create tailored AI chatbots for my specific needs. Why AI…

  • How to add a BotPress chatbot to your WooCommerce online store

    How to add a BotPress chatbot to your WooCommerce online store

    Integrating an AI chatbot into an online store is a powerful tool. Potential customers no longer need to spend excessive time searching for items they want, such as lactose-free cupcake options or instructions on returning a product. An AI chatbot can promptly answer all their questions, enhancing customer satisfaction while reducing costs associated with addressing…

  • How to create a Recruitment chatbot using BotPress: Part 5

    How to create a Recruitment chatbot using BotPress: Part 5

    Part 4 of this tutorial is available here. Thank you node Now when the ‘Final Question’ node is ready we can proceed with ‘Thank you’ node. It has a single function, to display a thank you message. Let’s add a new Standard node near the ‘Final-Question’ node. Let’s call the new node ‘Thank-you’. Then we add…

  • How to create a Recruitment chatbot using BotPress: Part 4

    How to create a Recruitment chatbot using BotPress: Part 4

    Part 3 of this tutorial is available here. Skipping main question We need to go back to “Aks-main-question” node and add the logic which would deal with the case when user skips one of the main questuion (which is equal to skipping the whole topic) by entering “s”. Basically we just need to proceed to…