Category: Vector databases

  • How to Embed Data into Pinecone using OpenAI and LangChain

    How to Embed Data into Pinecone using OpenAI and LangChain

    In the previous post, “How to transcribe audio files using OpenAI API“, I went through the process of transcribing audio files as a preparation step for creating an AI chatbot that can answer questions based on many podcast episodes. In this post, I will go through the next step of data preparation – embedding vector…

  • Exploring the Power of Vector Databases: Next-Level Data Processing

    Exploring the Power of Vector Databases: Next-Level Data Processing

    Discover the transformative power of vector databases in the realm of data processing. Uncover how these high-dimensional vectors, rooted in advanced mathematical principles, redefine storage, retrieval, and analysis. Explore their applications in real-time analytics, machine learning integration, and more, reshaping the future of technology.