How to create a Cutom OpenAI GPT

We’re diving deep into the exciting realm of customizing GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers) within OpenAI’s cutting-edge platform. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a business professional, or someone curious about the potential of AI in enhancing business processes, this guide is tailored just for you.

The focus is on creating a powerful, customized GPT, specifically designed to revolutionize the way businesses interact with AI. ‘Solar Sales Assistant’ – a virtual assistant designed to streamline sales processes and provide invaluable support to sales representatives in the solar industry. This tutorial isn’t just about theory; it’s a practical, hands-on journey. This tutorial walks through every step of creating a GPT with a robust knowledge base and innovative custom actions, transforming the way you think about AI in the business context.

Whether your goal is to enhance customer service, automate repetitive tasks, or simply explore the capabilities of AI, this tutorial is your gateway to unlocking the potential of GPTs in the business world.


Go to your ChatGPT profile (

  1. At the bottom left corner click on your name.
  2. Then click on My GPTs.
  3. Proceed by clicking on Create a GPT.

On the next screen you should choose Configure.

Configure page

The image is a screenshot of a software interface for a custom OpenAI GPT assistant named "RayHarvest Solar Sales Assistant," designed to help junior sales representatives at RayHarvest Solar Co. learn standard operating procedures. The interface has two main panels. The left panel is titled "Create" and "Configure," with sections for Name, Description, Instructions, Conversation starters, Knowledge, Upload files, Capabilities (with Web Browsing, DALLE Image Generation, and Code Interpreter as options), and Actions with a command line. The right panel shows a preview of the assistant's interface with the name, description, and a series of expandable questions related to CRM updates, benefits of monocrystalline solar panels, calculations for savings on a 100 sqm roof, and current promotions of RayHarvest Solar. The assistant's avatar is a circle with a smiling sun wearing sunglasses. The overall theme suggests a user-friendly digital tool aimed at facilitating sales processes through educational interaction.

In this example a custom GPT chat (the assistant) should help junior sales representative with learning company standard operating procedures as a salesperson.

It is also possibe to provide to the assistant the size of a clients roof which will be sent to a custom action which will return some valuable estimation data for the customer to help them make their decision.


Let’s proceed with a fictional name. I asked ChatGPT to come up with some names and chose RayHarvest Solar Sales Assistant.


A sales representative assistant for a solar company (RayHarvest Solar Co.)


The assistant, RayHarvest Solar Sales Assistan, has been programmed to help junior sales reps with learning company standard operating procedures as a salesperson.
The assistant is also able to provide the size of a clients roof which will be sent off to our Solar Calculator custom action which will return some valuable estimation data for the customer to help them make their decision.
The assistant will focus on ensuring that the CRM reflects these updates accurately and promptly.
A document has been provided with information on RayHarvest Solar’s sales processes and training info.

Conversation starter



A PDF document has been provided with information on RayHarvest Solar’s sales processes and training info.

Add action: Actions page

The addition of a custom action to our system is designed to empower sales representatives with a comprehensive toolset. Not only can they query our knowledge base for crucial information, such as updating the CRM, selling strategies, and product details, but they also gain access to specialized tools like a solar calculator. This feature is particularly valuable in client meetings. For instance, a sales rep can easily inquire about the client’s current power bill costs and the size of their roof. This data can then be seamlessly sent to our service, which processes the information and returns valuable estimates and insights. These estimates can then be shared with the client, enhancing the overall sales experience and providing them with tailored, useful information.


This feature will require of setting up Replit first. The credit for the code below goes to Liam Ottley, it was forked form his project.

from flask import Flask, request, jsonify

app = Flask(__name__)

# Constants
AVERAGE_PANEL_EFFICIENCY = 0.20  # 20% efficiency
AVERAGE_IRRADIANCE = 5  # Average kWh/m2
PANEL_COST_PER_SQM = 2500  # Cost per square meter in USD
INSTALLATION_COST_PER_SQM = 75  # Installation cost per sqm in USD
PANEL_AREA_SQM = 1.6  # Average area of a solar panel in square meters
USAGE_FACTOR = 0.2  # Factor to adjust for realistic panel usage on roof

def calculate_realistic_panel_count(roof_size):
  max_panel_count = roof_size / PANEL_AREA_SQM
  realistic_panel_count = int(max_panel_count * USAGE_FACTOR)
  return realistic_panel_count

def calculate_energy_output(panel_count):
  total_panel_area = panel_count * PANEL_AREA_SQM
  return total_panel_area * AVERAGE_IRRADIANCE * AVERAGE_PANEL_EFFICIENCY * 30

def calculate_costs(panel_count):
  total_panel_area = panel_count * PANEL_AREA_SQM
  panel_cost = PANEL_COST_PER_SQM * total_panel_area
  installation_cost = INSTALLATION_COST_PER_SQM * total_panel_area
  total_cost = panel_cost + installation_cost
  return panel_cost, installation_cost, total_cost

def calculate_savings(energy_output, current_bill):
  # Assuming a rate of $0.12 per kWh (adjust if needed)
  cost_per_kWh = 0.12
  estimated_monthly_solar_bill = energy_output * cost_per_kWh
  monthly_savings = current_bill - estimated_monthly_solar_bill
  return monthly_savings

def calculate_payback_period(total_cost, monthly_savings):
  if monthly_savings <= 0:
    return "Payback period cannot be calculated with current savings"
  annual_savings = monthly_savings * 12
  return total_cost / annual_savings

@app.route('/calculate', methods=['GET'])
def calculate():
  roof_size = request.args.get('roof_size', default=0, type=float)
  current_bill = request.args.get('current_bill', default=0, type=float)

  print("Received roof_size:", roof_size)  # Debugging line
  print("Received current_bill:", current_bill)  # Debugging line

  if roof_size <= 0 or current_bill <= 0:
    return jsonify(
        {"error": "Invalid input. Please provide positive numbers."}), 400

  panel_count = calculate_realistic_panel_count(roof_size)
  energy_output = calculate_energy_output(panel_count)
  panel_cost, installation_cost, total_cost = calculate_costs(panel_count)
  monthly_savings = calculate_savings(energy_output, current_bill)
  payback_period = calculate_payback_period(total_cost, monthly_savings)

  result = {
      "roof_size_sqm": roof_size,
      "realistic_panel_count": panel_count,
      "monthly_energy_output_kWh": energy_output,
      "panel_cost_usd": panel_cost,
      "installation_cost_usd": installation_cost,
      "total_cost_usd": total_cost,
      "monthly_savings_usd": monthly_savings,
      "estimated_payback_period_years": payback_period

  return jsonify(result)

if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=8080)

Run the code. Click new tab. Copy URL address.


The image is a screenshot of a configuration page for a custom OpenAI GPT assistant titled "RayHarvest Solar Sales Assistant," designed for assisting with solar energy calculations. The left side of the interface shows a JSON schema with parameters such as "roof_size" and "current_bill," indicating the data inputs the assistant requires to function. The JSON structure includes data types and format specifications. Below the schema, there is a section titled "Available actions" with a single action named "calculateSolar" assigned to a GET request at the path "/calculate." There is no authentication required, as indicated in the next section. At the bottom left, there is a link to a "Privacy Policy." The right side of the interface displays a preview of the assistant with the name, description, and its avatar, which is a smiling sun wearing sunglasses. This preview is consistent with the previous image of the assistant, maintaining a professional and user-friendly design for the digital tool.

Next we need to provide OpenAI schema, so our assistant knows how to communicate and use our custom service we run on Replit. The credit for the code below goes to Liam Ottley.

  "openapi": "3.0.0",
  "info": {
    "title": "Solar Calculator API",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "API to calculate solar panel outputs, costs, and savings based on roof size and current electricity bill."
  "servers": [
      "url": "Your Replit URL",
      "description": "Development server"
  "paths": {
    "/calculate": {
      "get": {
        "summary": "Calculate solar panel outputs, costs, and savings",
        "operationId": "calculateSolar",
        "parameters": [
            "name": "roof_size",
            "in": "query",
            "required": true,
            "description": "Size of the roof in square meters",
            "schema": {
              "type": "number",
              "format": "float"
            "name": "current_bill",
            "in": "query",
            "required": true,
            "description": "Current monthly electricity bill in USD",
            "schema": {
              "type": "number",
              "format": "float"
        "responses": {
          "200": {
            "description": "Successfully calculated solar panel data",
            "content": {
              "application/json": {
                "schema": {
                  "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CalculationResult"
          "400": {
            "description": "Invalid input"
  "components": {
    "schemas": {
      "CalculationResult": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "roof_size_sqm": {
            "type": "number",
            "format": "float"
          "realistic_panel_count": {
            "type": "integer"
          "monthly_energy_output_kWh": {
            "type": "number",
            "format": "float"
          "panel_cost_usd": {
            "type": "number",
            "format": "float"
          "installation_cost_usd": {
            "type": "number",
            "format": "float"
          "total_cost_usd": {
            "type": "number",
            "format": "float"
          "monthly_savings_usd": {
            "type": "number",
            "format": "float"
          "estimated_payback_period_years": {
            "type": "string"

Back to Configure page

We can use Dall-E to generate an image for our assistant.

Save the assistant and it is ready to be tested.

Testing the Assistant

The assistant seems to work great answering questions based on the provided knowledge base as well as doing calculations with a help of external service.


In conclusion, this tutorial has demonstrated the power and versatility of custom GPTs within OpenAI’s framework. By walking through the creation of ‘Solar Sales Assistant’, it was shown how integrating a knowledge base and custom actions can significantly enhance the functionality of GPTs. This tutorial not only provided a step-by-step guide but also offered valuable resources through a template, making it easier to replicate and adapt this functionality for own needs. Whether to streamline company processes, enhance customer interactions, or simply explore the capabilities of AI in business, the insights and tools provided here are a robust starting point.


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